Selasa, 24 Juni 2008



Through the use of advanced computing and telecommunication technologies, learning can also be qualitatively different. The process of learning in the classroom can become significantly richer as students have access to new and different types of information. They can manipulate it on the computer through graphic displays or controlled experiments in ways never before possible, and can communicate their results and conclusions in a variety of media to their teacher, students in the next classroom, or students around the world.

Information technology, especially the Internet, has changed the way of education around the world. The Internet has become such a huge libraries or information resource for both teachers and students. They can get any information they need only in a second. They, now, do not need again to go to library to look for references they need in order to accomplish they assignment. They just need to sit down in front of computer linked to the Internet and they can go to thousand of online libraries. However, can we trust something just because it is on website (Internet)? How can we trust such writing that we do not know who the ‘real’ author is? Technology, even one with as much potential as the Internet, is only as good as the users who make of it. The Internet is like a knife with double edge. The Internet provides not only facts but also lies, rumors, etc. Staley J. Baran, a communication expert, said that:

Lies have always been part of human interaction; the Internet only gives them greater reach. There is little that government can do to control this abuse. Legal remedies already exist in the form of libel laws and prosecution for fraud. Users can help by teaching themselves to be more attentive to return addresses and by ignoring messages that are sent anonymously or that have suspicious origins. (2004, p. 321)

Besides, as much as its benefits, the Internet also has some negative impacts, for example: pornography. Metro TV on January 1st 2008 has ever broadcasted special news about the glowing of some children that open porn sites.

This paper tries to answer some questions related to the Internet in the function as information source. Will the Internet, in this case e-book (electronic book), substitute the conventional book? What should we do to make the use of the Internet as properly to its 'real' function as possible? Can we trust the Internet? What is the effect that the Internet brings into the education?

The Definition of the Internet

There are so many various definitions about the Internet. However, ED Tittel and Margaret Robbins describe the internet as follow:

…the most general definition describes the Internet as a network of networks. A network is any group of computers connected together to share information sources. If the computers are connected within a single building or similarly sized area, the network is called a local area network, or LAN… when LAN extends outside building, it becomes a wide area network, or WAN. A WAN can extend between two adjacent buildings, across a city, or across the world. Because a WAN is really a group of networks, it is also sometimes called an internetwork. The most famous internetwork in the world today, and arguably the largest, is the Internet. (1995, p. 5-6)

Here are other definitions about the Internet:

  1. The Internet is a worldwide network of computers holding vast quantities of data accessible directly from a home computer.[1]
  2. The Internet is a large collection of computers in Network that are tied together so that many users can share their vast resources (Williams, 199)

By using the Internet, an individual can access data and communicate with others worldwide from his or her computer. It is because his or her computer has been tied together with computers around the world so the data can be shared and used together. ED Tittel and Margaret Robbins

The Users of the Internet

The users of the Internet vary from the very young people to the very old one, from individual to the organization, and from nonprofit organization to the profit one. In general, however, we can divide the users of the Internet into some categories:

  1. Universities and Schools

In the past, only universities could afford to take advantage of this offer, because giving student access meant getting computers for those students to use. As a result, many university students have had the chance to go exploring on the Internet. Now, more and more elementary and secondary schools getting online.

The students usually use the Internet to assign projects requiring them to do research online, to take surveys, to use it as social tool (e-mail, blog, etc.), to conduct discussion, etc.

  1. Libraries

Many libraries, now, have Internet connections. This means that people around the world can log in to the library computer to search for particular book, article, recording, or other document.

  1. Governments

The government uses the Internet to give accessibility of data, national information, public policy, and other information relate to its citizenships.

  1. Corporations

The corporations use the Internet to exchange information with remote branches, their partnerships, and other corporations with whom they joint ventures. The corporations also use the Internet to advertise their products.

  1. Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations are data-collection operations, and their responsibility is to make the data accessible to the public. Internet access, they are finding, is the ideal mechanism to making their data available to the largest number of people.[2]

  1. Individuals

Such people come to the Internet for a huge variety of reasons and access it in hundreds of different ways. It is very hard to describe this group. It is because the Internet has been like 'real world'. We almost can get in the Internet whatever available in the world.

The Use of the Internet in Education

Internet has given significant influence to the way teachers educate students. Today, we do not need again to always doing education in the classroom as in the conventional learning does. We can conduct learning wherever and whenever using the Internet. We can use webcam and online message to interact between students and teachers, and between students and students. This kind of learning is usually called e-learning. Rosenberg (2004) in Robin Mason and Frank Rennie – E-learning: The Key Concepts – defines e-learning as:

E-learning refers to the use of the internet technologies to deliver a broad array of solutions that enhance knowledge and performance. It is based upon three fundamental criteria:

1. It is networked.

2. It is delivered to the end-user via a computer using standard internet technology.

3. It focuses on broadest view of learning.

A simple yet comprehensive definition has been produced by the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council of the UK. It recognizes the distinction between the content of learning and the process: E-learning is the effective learning process created by combining digitally delivered content with (learning) support and services.

As it has been mentioned before, universities and schools have used the Internet as various reasons, but, in general, both of them use the Internet to make learning easier and more effective. In modern era, we need not only to do something right but also to do something quickly. There is always deadline to do. We also often have to do many assignments. By using the Internet, which is linked to many sources, this problem can be solved.

The Internet also provides many interesting features that can make learning more enjoyable. We can download articles, podcast, news, and many other important matters in only a minute, and of course it is much cheaper than we have to buy it. Because, it is usually free.

The Internet also provides students and teacher with e-book that can be downloaded freely. This electronic book is just like the conventional one. It can be read using the computer. E-book is often shares free, but sometimes the author also sales it. But the e-book costs much cheaper than the conventional book. It is because e-book does not use paper as its media. As we know that the paper price increases, e-book perhaps can be solution to the new generation of book. Many experts believe that e-book will substitute the use of conventional book in the future.

The 'Black Side' of the Internet

The Internet is like knife with two edges. It contains many useful and harmful things in a time. If we can not use the Internet properly then it will give worse impact than any other media. One of the negative impacts of the Internet is the pornography. Can you imagine if your dear children see this 'adult' site freely by just typing the porn website? How will your children be?

There are some efforts to save children from accessing this adult site. The Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 forbade online transmission of any image that "appears to be of a minor engaging in sexually explicit product." Proponents argued that the impact of child porn on the children involved, as well as on society, warranted this legislation. Opponent argued that child pornography per se was already illegal, regardless of the medium. Therefore they saw this law as an unnecessary and overly broad intrusion freedom of expression on the Net.[3]

Another is copyright. Copyright protection is designed to ensure that those who create content are financially compensated for their work. Using the Internet, the students can find the article relating to their study or assignment rather easy. However, not all students use the article or material they found in the Internet as their reference. They, sometimes, use it as their own creation. This criminal of Intellectual Property Ownership has become greater day by day. There are still many negative impacts that the Internet brings. However, it is not sufficient to discuss it in this paper.


The technology is developed to make our life becomes easier. We can not live without technology. However, if we use the technology improperly then it will give us bad effects as many as its benefits. The Internet, as other technologies, is also developed to help human beings solve their problems and to make life easier. We have to use it as properly as possible. In one side, the Internet can be challenge to make education better. It is easy, fast and ready to access, and has no limit. Like or not, the Internet has become our part of life. However, we have to remember that 'tool is only tool', it depends on what we use it for.


Allesi, S.M., and Trollie, S.R. Computer Based Instruction: Methods and Development. Englewood Cliffs: Prectice-Hall. 1985.

Asnawir, H., and Usman, Basyirudin. Media Pembelajaran. Ciputat: Ciputat Pers. 2002.

Crumlish, Christian. The ABCs of the Internet: Makes the Most of Your Time Online (2nd edition). San Francisco: SYBEX. 1997.

Lewis, Chris. 101 Essential Tips Using the Internet. New York: DK Publishing. 1997.

Mason, Robin, and Frank Rennie. Elearning: The Key Concepts. New York: Routlege. 2006.

Sharp, John. ; Ward, Stephen. ; and Hankin, Les. Education Studies: An Issues-Based Approach. Glasgow: Bell and Bain Ltd. 2006.

Tittel, ED., and Margaret Robbins. Internet Access Essentials: Everything You Need to Know. New York: Academic Press. 1995.

[1] Chris Lewis, 101 Essential Tips Using the Internet (New York: DK Publishing, 1997), p. 8.

[2] ED Tittel and Margaret Robbins, Internet Access Essentials: Everything You Need to Know (New York: Academic Press, 1995), p. 10.

[3] Stanley J. Baran, Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture (Third Edition) (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2004) p. 321-322.

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