The main objectives of English Teaching in Indonesia are to master the four language skills – Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. However, in conducting the teaching, the teachers also have to see the English Teaching conditions in Indonesia. There are at least three most influential factors in conducting English Teaching in Indonesia:
1. Time
The time available is insufficient. Time is probably the most important factors in English Teaching. It is because in learning language we need more practice. Practice, of course, needs time. According to Mac Kay (Language Teaching Analysis), we need at least 5000 hours of exposure to acquire our native language, and we need at least 900 hours to learn foreign language.
2. Teachers’ Qualification
Most of teachers in Indonesia are unqualified based on their educational background and their teaching load. We often find, in Indonesia, some teachers who have no English educational background. Surprisingly, still in Indonesia, English teachers teach more than 20 hours a week. So, it can be imagined how busy they are. Because of the highness of the teaching load, the teachers can not improve themselves. They can not read books, follow conferences, etc.
3. Students’ Motivation
In general, the students’ motivation in Indonesia is to pass UN exam.
Because not all of the language skills can be mastered at the same time, so we, as English Teacher, have to make a list of priority. In making the list of priority, we have to see the condition in Indonesia, and also the students’ needs. For example, we can not make speaking as the top of priority because not all of students have chance to use this skill. The contribution that can be given by student by mastering speaking skill is also smaller than mastering other skills, for example reading skill.